Healings & Treatments
Intuitive Healing Sessions
Starting at $100
In this session you will receive a Reiki Healing Massage incorporating any healing I am intuitively guided for you. This may include a Chakra Balance, use of Essential Oils, use of Crystals, Energy Clearing, Sound Healing, Guided Meditation, Angel Card Reading...and to finish off I will sit with you and share any guided information I have received for you.
This healing session is so beautiful, and so many clients are getting such amazing results!
Chakra Ascension Sessions
Chakra Ascension is the process of balancing, cleansing & activating the Chakra energy centres within our bodies.
What does it feel like?
Imagine a wave that has washed over you, clearing out any emotions and allows you to ‘see & feel’ Harmony and love.
Reiki Therapy
Starting at $100
Embrace the ancient practice of Reiki to channel positive energy and achieve inner peace and harmony.
Available Face to Face, Online via Zoom and Distant Healings
Root Cause Theapy Session & Packages
Root Cause Therapy is a healing modality that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of presenting issues, particularly trauma. Shannon provides a safe space for individuals to understand and shift unwanted patterns, choices, and emotions that are limiting them. The goal is to create long-term change that enables individuals to heal and live their best lives. Are you ready?
Intuitive Coaching
Allow me to intuitively work with you, guiding and supporting you to living a life you desire and LOVE!!
As an intuitive mentor, I offer guidance and support on all levels, as I believe that true happiness and success stem from achieving overall balance and harmony in all aspects of your life. My one-on-one mentoring sessions are tailored to meet your individual needs, ensuring that you make significant progress and remain focused on your path towards conscious living, improved health, and happiness.
Restorative Yoga & Meditation Class
Experience 2 hours of relaxation and restoration with a unique Restorative Yoga Class that includes Reiki, Meditation & Sound Healing.
Connect with your breath, body, and spirit in a calm and peaceful environment. Take a break from the frantic pace of everyday life and recharge.
Massage Treatments
Starting at $90
I offer a variety of Massage Treatments each uniquely created just for you!
Relaxation/Remedial Massage
Reiki Massage
Hot Rock Bliss Massage
Women’s Group Healing
An intimate 6-week journey for women to connect with their heart and soul through intuitive guidance and healing sessions. Embrace inner peace and harmony, reconnect with your inner child, and invoke self-healing. The group meets once a week for 1 hour via Zoom, with sessions recorded for convenience.
Embark on your path of self-discovery and let me be your intuitive guide, offering support and mentorship. Through this journey, your heart and soul will grow, leading to a greater self-awareness. Make decisions that resonate with you now and have faith that the future will unfold as it should. Trust the process; it has a way of working out in the end.
— Shannon Byron
Thank you Shannon for holding such a genuine, loving and supportive space for everyone who walks in your door!
This woman is my definition of magic. I have been seeing Shannon for a long time now and have just recently finished her amethyst package and let me just say this change everything for me. I’d like to think before this I knew myself and how I worked, what I wanted, what I needed but after diving deep with Shannon I feel I know myself, my path, my journey on a level I would have never seen it at without her guidance. If you have worked with Shannon before you know exactly what I am talking about when I say I don’t know how she does it, but she just does. The way she unpacks with you, asks the perfect questions, builds with you on creating the best version of yourself! She blows my mind every time I leave. She is where I belong, and I hope if even one woman reading this if you are feeling lost in your journey simply give yourself one session you will know what I am talking about! She is my holistic therapist, space holder, coach, mentor, and idol! The women she has built me into is unstoppable (most of the time), but I know she is who I need and make sure I see her regularly!
The hardest part is putting my feelings into words for Shannon and her work. But if you want to crack yourself open, clear out the bullshit and rebuild yourself stronger and clearer than ever than this work is the work for you 🧡
I can never express how much gratitude I have for you Shannon Thank you!
Taylor Wenham
I recently had sessions for Root Cause Therapy/Coaching with Shannon and had a very powerful healing experience. I have always worked on myself and past issues throughout my life but knew it was time for me to face the next level of healing in my life’s journey.
The experience of our sessions together was a very positive and calming experience. It’s not like any other counselling or therapy I’ve had before. Most of the time when you have to face head on with issues in your past it’s so scary as its opening up old wounds. I’d be lying if I said that past experiences and old wounds didn’t come up in my sessions, but it didn’t feel so painful to me to have them revealed to me.
Shannon has the most beautiful energy and is so gentle in her approach, she makes you feel completely safe in your space with her.
A lot of the Coaching/Trauma/Root Cause Therapy involves going into your subconscious mind, I feel this is why it didn’t feel so gut wrenchingly painful to delve into the past. It felt more passive but very direct in getting to the root cause of issues.
The great thing about it is that you may have certain mind sets on why or how you have some to certain perceptions on things that have happened in your life, but your subconscious mind will let you know if this is the case or not. I was blown away by the things I learned about myself and the things that had been holding me back in my life.
I feel like this kind of healing is something that anyone at any stage in their spiritual or personal journey could do and they would get so much out of it. I feel it’s such an effective way to really get to the nitty gritty of what’s going on and to deal with it head on.
I can’t recommend it highly enough as a way to help yourself and grow. Shannon is the perfect person to hold space for someone too. I felt so safe with her. Thank you Shannon, you know I’ll be back to see you again soon! 💫🙏🏻
Hi my name is Leigh. I have been to see Shannon several times over the years for Reiki healing sessions also a day of yoga and sharing.
Shannon has helped me through, being me, relationship issues, grief & loss. Every session I’ve had, Ive come out feeling lighter within myself, less burdened and deeply rested. I’m a very spiritual person, and I know my ‘why’ I am going to see Shannon. If that makes sense to some.
I highly recommend Shannon in her gifts & skills she brings to the world. Her authenticity shines through. If you have any doubts before seeing Shannon you certainly won’t after 😊
I most definitely will be booking in to receive healing from Shannon again.
I wish her the best always in her healing ventures.
With much love, Leigh 🫶
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank-you for your care and experience during our Trauma/Root Cause Therapy sessions. I have been so grateful for how caring you have been, and for your ability to help me work through some deeply held beliefs that have been impacting me for most of my life. You showed up for every session with empathy, and without judgement, and I have come to hold you and your abilities in such high regard. I would be so happy to recommend these sessions to people who are looking for the next step in their healing journey. I have been telling my friends about you and about the work I have been able to do with you. The Reiki sessions were also really helpful in between my Trauma/Root Cause Therapy sessions.
I really look forward to what we achieve together next!
Erin O.
1:1 Mentoring Journey
Tuesday the 15th of August 2023 at 9:30am, the day of my first ever Root Cause/Mentoring Therapy Session. It was the day my life really started to change.
I was unsure how I would go as I was in a state of hurt and anger. I arrived for my appointment to be greeted by beautiful Shannon. I was quite nervous, but Shannon made me feel so calm in her space. We started the therapy and wow, instantly I felt this was the right place for me.
During our sessions together, RCT therapy brought up a lot of really hard times that I had endured throughout my life both past and present. It was by far the best thing I have ever done for myself!
Shannon was able to release so many of those unwanted dark energies that were hiding deep down.
I have never felt so free since going to these amazing sessions with Shannon. My train of thought is so much clearer and I look into the future now with some amazing goals that I have to fulfil.
Shannon I cannot thank you enough for everything that you have done for me within the RTC. You are absolutely amazing at what you do!
Please know this just came to me today as I knew it would. I can’t really ever put into words how thankful I am to have you in my life helping me be my true self.
You are such an amazing person and inspiration to me Shannon! You have helped me so much throughout my journey and for that I am forever grateful!
I had tears writing this Shannon, that’s how much I appreciate you
Thank you so much as always ☺️
Every time I receive one of Shannon’s Reiki treatments is a different experience but all powerful and what I need in that moment. Reiki has helped me work through childhood trauma, learn how to get deeper in my meditation and experience feelings in my mind and body I didn’t know was possible for me, as well as give me clarity in foggy times. Shannon’s touch and presence is so nurturing and accepting, I feel as though I can trust Shannon and be open to her and what she offers. I recommend Shannon to everyone I know because I feel that every session I have had with Shannon has been so transformative.